As a student enrolled in Seminar, it is expected that sophomores, juniors, and seniors take their English and Social Studies courses in-house. Exceptions will be made for these students to take AP World History, AP US History, and AP Economics as their sophomore, junior, and senior social studies requirements. Freshmen will be required to take their English and Social Studies courses in-house, without exception. If students are not enrolled in these courses (except as noted above), they will not be considered a part of the Seminar program. As much as possible, Seminar students will also be enrolled in math and science courses taught by Seminar faculty.
Seminar Cord
Students may earn a Seminar Graduation Cord by completing a senior project. The Seminar Cord is a signifier that a student has completed a senior project and has spent their entire senior year in the Seminar program.
Frequently asked questions
Can I enroll in Seminar and other learning communities at Service simultaneously? Yes! We have many students who pursue Seminar concurrently with BCA or Leadership Academy. As long as you are fulfilling the requirements of each program, as many students do, you can be enrolled simultaneously in multiple programs.
Can I take AP courses and be in Seminar?Yes! You can opt to take your social studies course in an AP setting as listed above. Juniors and Seniors can also pursue an AP Language credit through a class that meets occasionally after school, taught by Seminar faculty. Science, math, and other social studies AP courses can all be pursued through required or elective credits as part of the student’s normal day at Service.